
Everything that happens to you is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your own life and be taught by it. ~Polly B. Berends

This quote embodies everything I intend this blog to be, it is my inspiration for this project. I’ve always believed that there is a lesson or some element of value in each experience if only we take the time to look for it. I am here. Learning.

The first thing you should know about me is that my name is NOT pronounced LEZ LYN…. it’s LESS LYN.  I’ve spent decades correcting people so I thought I might as well put it out there – up front – in the beginning. I am deeply hopeful that it will prevent at least some corrections going forward.

I am currently well into middle age. After getting a half dozen recent hints from the universe to share my story I opted for a blog that may turn into a book, we will see about that.

This is the short version:

I grew up chubby and bucked tooth in a small Pennsylvania town believing that my life was idyllic. At least until my dad filed bankruptcy, mom joined the Army and I was dumped on the doorstep of an aunt I’d never met. I was 12. For the next nine years I bounced from parent to parent across two continents trying to reestablish a sense of love and safety. I was 21 when I found it in the arms of a blonde God. It was love at first sight on a blind date and we settled into Happily Ever After making a baby and building dreams. Less than three years later, it came to an abrupt end when 22,000 volts of electricity zapped the life from the only man I believed could ever love me. The combined effects of love and loss on my immature self esteem set the stage for a disastrous second marriage.

My story is about loss and discovery. Walk with me and know that you are not alone.

That’s it in an nutshell.  If you are curious about the details- sign up to receive updates or check in frequently.  I invite you to sit with me.



This blog originally began in 2016 with the sharing of my ‘story’ and has since expanded into a much bigger platform. Today, I share thoughts and ideas about making life better – making it the best it can be in spite of the crap that life throws in our way.  In February of 2019 I began Try This At Home with a friend… a series of conversations about making life better using a podcast format. I hope you will listen in…


Listen to me on Try This at Home – a series of conversations about making life better.

You can subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, or Feedburner

7 thoughts on “About

  1. I enjoyed reading your first post, and look forward to reading more! I remember your buck-toothed laugh like it was yesterday! You were always laughing and joking around and acting. Had a lot of fun with you back then!


    1. : ) As one of the people who had my back from the very beginning…. Thanks. Your friendship was instrumental in believing that I was worthy of good friends. Your presence in my life enriched my childhood!


  2. Had to think about that a minute. Do we say Aunt LEZ LYN or Aunt LESS LYN? Either way, it’s said with love ❤️
    Loving this blog…


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